SKIN CARE: Is it Vain or is it Self-Care?

Is it really true that taking care of oneself, one’s appearance is all about vanity? Really? Is it excessive to treat oneself to a facial? Are we self-absorbed if we want the blemish or sunspot gone? Are we selfish if we do something about those fine lines and wrinkles? I hear all sorts of thoughts during a consultation. There seems to be so much self judgement when it comes to the area of self-care and caring about one’s self. Do you know that more women feel guilty for taking care of themselves by getting a facial treatment and do you know that more and more women are realizing that if they don’t take care of themselves, they feel guilty about that too! OMG! Think about Esther….

I’m not going to answer these questions. These are such individualized notions that only one can answer for themselves. I am here to tell you from my own experience and from the feedback I get from my clients that to look good is to feel good and when you feel good you look good! And how wonderful is that! Just one more thing… does guilt really serve us? When is it okay to stop caring about ourselves… NEVER!

Give yourself permission to keep on caring and taking care. And by doing so you just might find yourself with greater satisfaction along with a brighter outlook.

See you on the table, Gorgeous!